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Drastic Measures

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Be a "Loser" and Join the HASAY Diet

This marks the eighteenth week of my participation in the group HASAY diet, hosted by our fearless leader, Casey. If you haven't joined yet, you aren't a loser! And I mean that in a bad way. Most players are losing weight, one way or the other.

This was my "week off". My excuse: my sister and her husband came to visit. Basically, we ate from sun up to sun set. Everything was delicious and the company even better.

Still, I know there is no such thing as taking a week off (read the rules!), so I will be working extra hard for the next few weeks.

Also, it's Lent Season, so I have decided to give up "LARGE PORTIONS" for this six week period of time. I think God and my stomach thank me for trying.

Original HASAY Weight: 135 pounds

Current Weight: 130 pounds

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Monday, February 16, 2009

129 and Holding

This is week 17 for the HASAY group diet that I am happily, er haphazardly, participating in with Casey and her gang. But mostly, I feel like all I say is I eat well, exercise 4 times a week, I started at 135 pounds and I am STILL at 129 pounds. Yes, I am stuck and have to either do more exercise or eat less. No big deal, right? Except I never get around to it.

Why can't I be like this Mom in the picture? First off, love the bathing suit "thing" she is wearing. I could totally pull that off. The husband? A doll with a big, beautiful smile. And the child is a-okay, too. And, I love butter. I miss butter.

I know, Senator Graham would tell me to stop my whining and he would be right. Look for a reading of 128 next Monday.....

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Monday, February 9, 2009

HASAY Update for Those of You Who Dare (Care)

Here is my weekly update for HASAY:

Monday: Worked so hard at Pilates I literally wet my workout outfit! That's not embarrassing or anything. Steve was a gentleman and held in his laughter (or disgust) until I left the studio. He managed to eek out, "you really pushed yourself hard today, good job".

Other than about 1 mile of walking every morning, I did zero exercise! I did however, READ about Body for Life at a suggestion from a guy who's had tremendous weight loss success this past year. It was exhausting (the reading that is)! But, it a great website with good pictures of dedicated people who lose and keep off the weight for many years. My only question is when do the people take the before picture?

I did not pig out any day, limited alcohol to acceptable (at least to me) level and ate lots of vegetables, salads, lean meats. Oh, and lots of tremendous, calorie-reducing sex over the weekend. So, I have that healthy glow!

I get why people "give up" trying to lose weight, though. They say, "I can't lose enough weight to make a difference, so why try". Reading about all those successful dieters this week, one important point hits you in the face: they are happier and have more energy. That could help you answer the WHY part.


Monday, February 2, 2009

Use Jump Roping and the Steam Room for Effective Weight Loss

The little (fat) engine that is ME is actually starting to believe that the extra 1" of fat that has surrounded the stomach and thigh areas may be dwindling away. The continual pushing from Casey at Half as Good as You, the weekly reporting of diet and exercise (or lack thereof) is starting to show. Now, mind you, the progress is tiny, but up until now, the scale number may have dropped but the jeans felt just as uncomfortable.

I think I can, I think I can..........

One thing I have been fortunate to use is a steam room after exercising. I have been using the steam room about three times a week for the past two weeks and I have to believe that this is helping reshape me. It feels as if the toxins in my body are sweating out. But, I do not understand the science behind it at all. Maybe it's all psychological but who cares of its working!

I think I can, I think I can...........

I also find that if I jump rope for my cardio work, I tend to lose more weight than when I use exercise machines or jog. This week I jump roped on three different occasions. Here's my routine: jump rope fast for 100 jumps, no stopping, then walk around the indoor track twice (1/8 of a mile). This is mostly to catch my breath. I do ten sessions each and then, I am completely exhausted. I think I see some definition in my lower legs, too.

I think I can, I think I can...........

Finally, I think I need some sort of game, like tennis, to add to my routine. I think I will talk to some people (who are lousy at tennis) to see if they would like to hit some balls or play a few games with me. I only have a few more months before it gets too for me to play tennis, so i must jump on this real soon!

I think I can, I think I can.............

And isn't that what this is all about, thinking and believing we can alter our food intake and do some exercise and WE WILL lose weight?! I am not giving up hope.

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