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Drastic Measures

Friday, April 16, 2010

Progress Report and Dreaded Measurements

It's Day 29, but who's counting?  I am, silly!  Seriously though, I really thinking I have only 11 days with the HCG injections to drop weight.  The next phase is harder because I will have many more choices of food, more tiny meals and more temptation to make food mistakes, and that is scary to me.

Two days ago I found my pink measuring tape and decided it was time to do a measurement update.  Look back to the post where I wrote in my measurements at the start of this diet. The results at this 'more than half way' position:

Original Measurements                 Day 27 Measurements       
Bust 36"                                           Bust 35" (bummer)
Stomach (1.5" above)  32"            Stomach (1.5" above) 28"
Stomach (1.5" below)  35"             Stomach (1.5" below) 33"
Hip  38"                                            Hip 36"
Thigh 22"                                         Thigh left=21.5", right=22"
Arm   11"                                          Arm 11"
Ankle 8"                                            Ankle 8"

So, here are my comments......
1) It seems if the weight and inches are coming off in a top-to-bottom fashion.  The hardest and worst areas come last, of course.

2) Feeling the weight off the stomach is very rewarding and helps you to stay focused on the end results.

3) I plan to start doing more stomach and arm strength training in these last 11 days as I am not getting stuck with these flabby arms. I refuse to accept my Buddha-like arms.

4) it's really all about portion control, and will be for the rest of my life and I teaching myself some very good habits in portion control by spending 40 days on this diet.

Time to fill up my 2 liter bottle of water for today.  This empty nest Mom is going to be successful!  Talk to you soon.....

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Blogger Casey said...

Wow, look at you go! I loved seeing such quick results from the HCG diet, maybe I should try it again. Do you still have to give yourself shots daily?

Good luck sticking with the routine. You can do it!

April 26, 2010 at 8:10 AM  

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